ENGL - English

All of the English courses described below have as their main objective the improvement of student thinking and writing skills. Writing is at the heart of all the courses, including the sophomore literature survey courses. Therefore, demonstrated writing ability is the most essential component of course grades.

In order to receive credit for an English course, students must demonstrate that they possess the writing skills expected of students completing the course. Generally, these skills may be demonstrated by having a passing average for course writing assignments. The grade average for all work assigned during the semester will be used to determine the final grade for the course only if the writing requirement stated above is met.

The courses described below are of two basic types: college-level courses, which meet both two-year and four-year degree requirements, and developmental courses, which do not satisfy either two-year or four-year degree requirements. The developmental courses are BASE NCBO 0174, English 0375, and Integrated Reading/Writing 0376. All other courses are college-level courses.

Survey of Literature Courses

LC offers eight 3-hour credit surveys of British literature (2322 and 2323), World literature (2332 and 2333), American literature (2326, 2327 and 2328), and Mexican-American literature (2351). Students should consult the catalog of the university to which they plan to transfer to determine which survey course is most appropriate. 

These literature courses are not sequential and may be taken in any order.