Adult Education and Literacy

The Adult Education & Literacy program provides services throughout the year at Webb, Zapata and Jim Hogg Counties.  Services are provided at Laredo College Ft. McIntosh and South campuses, as well as at numerous sites within the tri-county area. The Ft. McIntosh office is located in the Eloy Garcia Building Room 111 and the South campus office is located in the Academic & Advanced Technology Center (AAC) Office Room 126; office hours at both campuses are open from 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. from Monday through Thursday, and 8 A.M. to 12 P.M. on Fridays. The program offers classes in Adult Basic Education (ABE), English as a Second Language (ESL), English Literacy/Civics (EL Civics) Instruction, and the High School Equivalency (HSE) Exam preparation. Classes are also offered to prepare participants to enter the workforce or to transition to post-secondary education. Other programs offered are Integrated Education & Training, Workforce Preparation and TSI preparation. A specific class schedule will be determined on an individual basis when the student enrolls.

In compliance with the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) grant funding guidelines, a student may be admitted to the Adult Education and Literacy Program at Laredo College if the student:

  • Is 18 years old or older living in Webb, Jim Hogg or Zapata County. ( If the individual is 17 years old, he/she must have a withdrawal letter from the last school they attended along with a signed parent consent form. If the individual is 16, he/she must have an official court order along with a withdrawal letter and parental consent form.)
  • Is not enrolled in, or required to be enrolled in, secondary school under state law;
  • Lacks mastery of basic skills;
  • Does not have a secondary school diploma or equivalent; OR
  • Is unable to speak, read, and write English.

Purpose of Adult Education & Literacy

  • To assist adults to become literate and obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency;
  • To assist adults who are parents to become full partners in their children’s education;
  • To assist adults in the completion of a secondary school education.


Adults interested in Adult Education & Literacy programs supported through TWC grants must be assessed prior to enrollment in an adult education course.


In order to prepare the adult to be successful in the program and to assist in the transition back to the classroom, an orientation is conducted as a separate component prior to enrollment in any adult education course. During the orientation, a variety of topics are presented. Among them are program information, goal setting, review of study skills, note-taking, time management, and learning styles.

The objectives of the orientation session are to help the adult decide if he/she is ready to commit to the education process and to provide him/her with some of the necessary tools to be successful in his/her studies


Adults wishing to enroll in Adult Education & Literacy courses supported with grants from TWC will be asked to provide a valid identification and proof of residency. The following are valid identifications: MH/MR ID, Correctional Facility ID, State Issued ID/Texas Driver’s License, Voter Registration, Amnesty-Employment Authorization, Amnesty-Resident Alien, Resident Alien, Employment Authorization, Political Asylum, Other INS Number or TANF/JOBS Referral Number, Passport, matricula consular. As proof of residency, a utility bill with the individuals name and address should be provided.

Note: Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, states will have to prove that adult education students have earned their GED, are gainfully employed, and/or are enrolled in higher education or other training programs. The Social Security Number is the only identification number that can be used to check the respective files in the Texas Education Agency*, the Texas Workforce Commission, and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. If a Social Security Number is not provided, student success will be difficult to track.


Adults enrolling in adult education courses funded through TWC grants must be committed to attending and actively participating in the respective course(s) in which they are enrolled. Adults are required to attend classes to remain enrolled. Adults will be dropped after being absent for three consecutive class periods or six non-consecutive class periods. In case of an emergency, an adult must make arrangements with the instructor to make-up all missed work in order to remain enrolled in the program.

Class Schedules

Daytime and evening classes are offered at Laredo College Fort McIntosh and South campuses. Classes are also offered throughout the community with a variety of schedules. For additional information, please contact the Adult Education & Literacy Offices, Ft. McIntosh Campus at (956) 721.5436 or South Campus at (956) 794.4436.

High School Equivalency (HSE) Exam

The HSE Series consists of four exams: Mathematical Reasoning, Social Studies, Science and Reasoning through Language Arts (Reading & Writing). Students will be tested on their ability to read and process information, solve problems, and communicate effectively. Students will also be required to write an essay when applicable to the subject area.

The State guidelines specify that in order for students to be eligible to take the HSE exams and receive a certificate of High School Equivalency, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The individual must be a resident of Texas or a member of the U.S. Armed Forces stationed at a Texas installation.
  2. The individual must be at least eighteen (18) years old. A seventeen (17) year old is eligible to test after submitting the High School Non-Enrollment Form and the Parental Consent Form to TEA A sixteen (16) year old may test if (a) recommended by a public agency that has supervision/custody under a court order or (b) in a Job Corps. Training program and submit the Court Ordered 16 or 17 year-old Form.
  3. The individual must have a government (national or foreign) issued photo ID, such as a state driver license, Department of Public Safety identification cars, military ID, passport, U.S. passport card of a matricula consular
  4. When applicable, the individual must also present a Social Security Card.

Applicants must register, schedule adn pay for the HSE exam by visiting or

Local Testing Centers

  • Laredo College Assessment Center  956-721-5418 (GED exam only)
  • TAMIU Testing Center 956-326-2131 (HiSet & GED exams)