Attendance Regulations
Regular and punctual attendance is expected of each student in every class. Responsibility for class attendance rests with the student. A student absent from class bears full responsibility for all material covered in class.
Attendance records will be kept for the first 12 class days during the fall and spring semester, the first two days during the Maymester and Wintermester, and the first four class days during the summer session. This will vary for classes with different beginning and end dates. Check with the Office of the Registrar and Admissions for these special calendar dates. Students who fail to attend class during this period will be administratively withdrawn from the course by the instructor. No formal attendance is required after the official census date except in cases where a program is required to keep attendance records by their respective accreditation agency.
Students have the right and the responsibility to initiate a drop request from any course. Requests for withdrawal from a course may be submitted online or at the Office of the Registrar and Admissions.
Absence From Final Examinations: A student who is absent from a final examination receives a grade of "0" for the examination and a grade of "F" for the course. Students authorized to be absent from a final examination receive a grade of "I" (Incomplete) on their transcript until they take the final examination. Such students must take the final exam within four months.
Final examinations cannot be re-taken.