Student Life

Student life at LC can be both fun and educational. The Office of Student Life supplements academic development through student participation in activities outside the academic classroom with a wide variety of social, educational, cultural, and recreational events for the students. Take the time to find out what's happening on campus and get involved in an activity. Students can attend a play, watch a movie, listen to a distinguished speaker, join a club, and enjoy a comedy show or mini-concert. The Office of Student Life provides the procedures and guidelines for student engagement at Laredo College. There is always something happening at Laredo College.

Student Life Calendar

A schedule of Student Life events and activities is maintained by the Director of Student Life. All student activities must be cleared with the Director prior to placement on the calendar. To view student activities at LC visit the student life calendar website. Reservations for events at the Kazen Student Center must be requested through the Office of Student Life or visit the website..

New Student Orientation

The New Student Orientation is for all new students designed to disseminate information on transitioning from high school to college, student life, financial aid, advising, and early registration for classes. Orientation sessions take place during the months of July, August and December. All new students to LC under the age of 25 are required to attend one of the sessions.  These sessions are provided at no cost to the student, and the information students receive, including personalized advising, financial aid assistance and registration for classes will serve as the foundation for students wanting to make a successful transfer to college life at LC.

Register for New Student Orientation at

Kazen Student Center

The Kazen Student Center, named in memory of U.S. Congressman Abraham “Chick” Kazen, is the heart of student life on campus. The facilities are used regularly by student groups, faculty, staff, and administration. People using the Kazen Student Center are expected to comply with any building guidelines posted. Everyone’s behavior should be considerate of others. The Kazen Student Center’s operating hours are Monday-Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Located on the first floor are the LC College Bookstore, the dining area, a vending area, and Special Service Cener. The Office of Student Life, Office of the Associate Dean of Students/Title IX Coordinator, Hilario Cavazos Jr. & Sabino Salazar Student Recreation Area, Mildred Reyna Meeting Room, Honors Program Office, and the Congressman "Chick" Kazen Room are located on the second floor.

LC South William N. "Billy" Hall, Jr. Student Center

The LC South Student Center honors the name and memory of former Webb County Treasurer and Texas State Legislator William N. "Billy" Hall, Jr.

The student center is a 40,100 square foot facility and its first floor houses offices from the Student Services Division and Bursar’s Office, along with the Culinary Arts Program. The second floor contains an Assessment Center, Mailroom/Print Services, Office of Student Life and South Campus Administration Office.

Information Center

Service Desk

The Service Desk located in Fort McIntosh Campus, at the Kazen Student Center 2nd floor Room 214 and South Campus in the William “Billy” Hall Student Center 2nd floor Room A225 they serve as information and referral centers.  A list of current campus events is kept in order to facilitate inquiries. Employees and Students ID cards are issued from these offices.  Any literature to be posted on Campus Boards must be processed and approved through the Office of Student Life.  These offices also serve as the campuses official Lost & Found Centers.  For information, call (956) 721.5179 Fort McIntosh Campus or (956) 794.4178 South Campus.

Lost and Found Center

All articles found on the LC campuses should be turned in to the Service Desks at either campuses or to the LC Campus Police. Items may be claimed by checking with these offices. If books or other items with identification are turned in, the Service Desks will make an attempt to contact the student. Items will only be kept for one semester after that they will be disposed of.

Student Organizations

Laredo College encourages the formation of student organizations. Assistance in the formation of student organizations to meet the student needs and interests is available at the Office of Student Life, located at the Kazen Student Center or William N. 'Billy' Hall, Jr. All student organizations must have a faculty and/or staff advisor, student officers, and purposes that are in harmony with the total program of the college. The Office of Student Life provides a current listing of student organizations and related information, please visit (Student Organizations

Student organizations at LC fall into one of two broad categories. The first type of student organization is the Sponsored/Recognized group. These student groups have advisors appointed to them by the campus administration, receive funding from LC, and can officially represent LC at various functions and events. This type of recognized group can also use the name of LC in the promotion of the student organization. Groups designated as officially Sponsored/Recognized must be approved through the Office of the Vice President of Student Success and Enrollment. The second broad type of student organization is the registered student organization. Most student organizations fall into this category. Student groups of this type are allowed to organize, are free to select their own faculty/staff advisor, use campus facilities, and seek assistance from the Office of Student Life for different projects and activities. Registered student organizations at LC are not permitted to use official LC logos or the name of Laredo College in the promotion of the organization.

Associated Student Organization (ASO)

The Associated Student Organization provides an official student voice through which student opinion is expressed. Students may participate through feedback, suggestions and recommendations made as they relate to student matters to Laredo College administration. For information, contact the Office of Student Life at the Ft. McIntosh Campus, at the Kazen Student Center, Room 214 or at the LC South Campus, William “Billy” Hall Student Center 2nd floor Room A225 and visit

Student Organization Council

The Office of Student Life provides guidance and supervision to the Student Organization Council, an organization for student organization representatives. The Student Organization Council serves as a liaison committee between the student organizations and the Associated Student Organization for issues dealing with and pertaining to student organizations. For information contact the Office of Student Life at the Ft. McIntosh Campus, at the Kazen Student Center room 214 or at the LC South Campus, William “Billy” Hall Student Center 2nd floor Room A225.

Presidential Student Ambassadors Program

The Laredo College Presidential Student Ambassador Program is designed to showcase the exceptional students of Laredo College. Presidential Student Ambassadors are dedicated to student success and strengthening student connections. This select group of campus leaders is exciting, diligent, outgoing, and motivated to leave a lasting impression on the college. Membership to the Presidential Student Ambassador Program is a high honor and a source of self-enrichment. This prominent group of students is hand-picked for their motivation, desire, and commitment to Laredo College. For an application, contact the Office of Student Life at the Ft. McIntosh Campus, at the Kazen Student Center Room 214 or at the LC South Campus, William “Billy” Hall Student Center 2nd floor Room A225

"L" Awards

Laredo College encourages students to participate in various student clubs. To stimulate participation and excellence in club activities, LC awards an activity "L" award to students who do exceptional work and who fulfill the eligibility requirements described previously. A committee composed of club sponsors recommends to the administration those students who are eligible to receive "L" awards. An "L" is awarded to students for work done in one or more organizations but is not identified with any particular activity. A student may receive only one "L" award annually.