TWC Skills Development Fund and Skills for Small Business Grants

The Skills Development Fund program assists businesses and trade unions by financing the design and implementation of customized job-training projects. This fund successfully merges business needs and local customized training opportunities into a winning formula to increase the skills levels and wages of the south region workforce. The program pays up to $1,800 for each new employee being trained and $900 for incumbent employees per 12-month period. Grants for a single business may be limited to $500,000. 

The Skills for Small Business program supports businesses with fewer than 100 employees, and emphasizes training for new workers though it also may help upgrade the skills of incumbent workers. TWC processes the applications together with the college to fund the specific courses selected by businesses for their employees. The program pays up to $1,800 for each new employee being trained and $900 for incumbent employees per 12-month period.