Student Complaint - Sexual Harassment Policy


Students shall not engage in sexual harassment toward another student or a District employee. A substantiated charge of sexual harassment against a student shall result in disciplinary action. [See FM series] Sexual harassment by a student includes unwanted and unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, whether by word, gesture, or any other sexual conduct, including requests for sexual favors.


District employees are prohibited from sexually harassing students. [See also FLDA (LEGAL) and DHA (LEGAL) and (LOCAL)]


All reports of sexual harassment that are not minor shall be referred to the Title IX coordinator. Oral complaints shall be reduced to writing to assist in the District's investigation. To the greatest extent possible, complaints shall be treated as confidential. Limited disclosure may be necessary to complete a thorough investigation.


The district shall not retaliate against a student who in good faith reports perceived sexual harassment or sexual abuse.


For the purposes of the following complaint process, "days" mean calendar days.


A student who has a complaint alleging sexual harassment by other student(s) or sexual harassment or sexual abuse by an employee may request a conference with the appropriate administrator, designee, or the Title IX coordinator for students. The student may be accompanied by an advisor at the initial conference and throughout the complaint process. The initial conference with the student ordinarily shall be held with a person who is the same gender as the student. The conference shall be scheduled and held as soon as possible, but in any event within seven days of receipt of the complaint. At the conference, the persons bringing the complaint shall be informed of the right to file a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights. The appropriate administrator or designee or the Title IX coordinator shall coordinate an appropriate investigation, which ordinarily shall be completed within seven days of receipt of the complaint. The student shall be informed if extenuating circumstances delay the investigation. Nothing in the complaint process shall have the effect of requiring a student alleging sexual harassment to report the matter to a person who is the subject of the complaint.


If the resolution of the complaint at Level One is not to the student's satisfaction, the student has seven days to request a conference with the College President or designee, who shall schedule and hold a conference. Prior to or at the conference, the student shall submit a written complaint that includes a statement of the complaint, any evidence in its support, the resolution sought, the student's signature, and the date of the conference with the appropriate administrator, designee, or Title IX coordinator.


If the resolution of the complaint at Level Two is not to the student's satisfaction, the student may submit to the College President or designee a written request to place the complaint on the agenda of the next regular Board meeting. The complaint shall be included as an item on the agenda posted with notice of the meeting. Announcing a decision in the student's presence constitutes communication of the decision.


The Board shall hear complaints alleging sexual harassment by students or sexual harassment by employees in closed meeting, unless otherwise required by the Open Meetings Act. [See BD (LEGAL) and BDA(LEGAL)] For more information, see LC's Web Page ( Homepage, select Campus Information, select Manual of Policy, select F-Students, select FLDA (Local) Student Complaints: Sexual Harassment. Students may contact the Office of the Associate Dean of Students (Kazen Student Center Room 208, Phone 956.794.4988) for additional information.