INRW 0376/ENGL 1301 Corequisite Integrated Reading/Writing (IRW)/Composition I CORE

INRW 0376 - Integrated Reading/Writing (IRW) (3 - 3 - 0)

Integration of critical reading and academic writing skills. Successful completion of this course if taught at the upper (exit) level fulfills TSI requirements for reading and/or writing.

Prerequisite: Appropriate score on TSI. CB Number: CB 32.0108.59 12

ENGL 1301 - Composition I CORE (3 - 3 - 0)

Intensive study of and practice in writing processes, from invention and researching to drafting, revising, and editing, both individually and collaboratively. Emphasis on effective rhetorical choices, including audience, purpose, arrangement, and style. Focus on writing the academic essay as a vehicle for learning, communicating, and critical analysis.

NOTE: ENGL 1301 is a prerequisite for all 2000-level literature courses.

These two courses may be taken concurrently in the same semester in specially designated sections. See your advisor for details. 

Semester Hours


Lecture Hours


Lab Hours



Appropriate score on TSI.

CB Number

CB 32.0108.59 12 and CB 23.1301.51 12