Nursing, Vocational Nursing, Certificate II
The Vocational Nursing (VN) program is a clinically intensive one year level II certificate program that offers classroom instruction and related clinical practice in four basic areas of nursing: fundamentals, medical/surgical, maternity/pediatric, and psychiatric. Supporting courses and program content include basic human anatomy and physiology, mathematics, pharmacology, nutrition, life cycle/growth and development, vocational adjustment, legal and ethical aspects of nursing practice, and nursing skills. The Vocational Nursing Program is fully approved by the Texas Board of Nursing. Upon completion of the program, the graduate will be eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-PN).
Applying for Admission into the Institution
If not presently enrolled at Laredo College, submit the following forms to the Enrollment & Registration Services Center at the Lerma Peña Center, Room 116 or South Campus Billy Hall Student Center, room A109:
LC Admissions Application and Information Form
Official high school transcript or GED certificate
Official transcripts from all previously attended colleges and universities
The Nursing Program online application is available on the website at
Program Admission Criteria
All required forms must be completed and received by Laredo College by:
4th Thursday in March - Fall Admission
An application fee of $10.00 is paid at the Bursar's office before applying. Proof of payment of the application fee to be sent to (Screenshot or picture of receipt is acceptable)
The student seeking admission into the Vocational Nursing Program at Laredo College must meet the following requirements:
General admission criteria must be met as outlined in the Laredo College catalog.
Complete Assessment Test requirements for placement and/or satisfy the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements for entry into college level courses.
LC Institutional and Overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or greater. The student on scholastic probation will not be considered for admission.
Admission for the applicant who has not previously attended LC will be based on Overall GPA. The student must meet all of LC's general admission requirements. The applicant must have overall GPA of 2.5 or greater. Official transcripts must be submitted to the admissions office for evaluation of course credit.
Complete program prerequisite courses: PSYC 2314, MDCA 1409 (or BIOL 2301, BIOL 2101- Lab & BIOL 2302, BIOL 2102 -Lab). All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of C or better. Although the minimum passing grade for individual prerequisite is a "C", overall prerequisite grade point average (GPA) must be a 2.5. Earning all "C's" will result in a GPA of 2.0 which does not meet the requirement. Student must follow the Vocational Nursing program curriculum plan valid for the current entrance year.
Only applicants that are accepted to the Vocational Nursing Program will be required to submit the CPR, the immunization records and other forms through Castle Branch.
Negative Criminal Background. The applicant's information will be submitted to the Texas Board of Nursing (BON). Texas BON will notify applicants via email to schedule an appointment with Identogo, The applicant will be able to schedule an appointment at a Live Scan location in Texas through online enrollment or by phone at 1-888-467-2080 to have their fingerprint scanning performed and submitted to the Texas Board of Nursing. The applicant will receive verification from the Texas Board of Nursing of the applicants Criminal Background Status. Documentation of a Negative Criminal Background from the Texas BON must be submitted to complete the application, admissions process, and prior to enrolling in any nursing courses. The applicant must receive confirmation in writing that he/she is eligible to take the NCLEX-PN exam
A standardized pre-entrance exam will be administered as a component of the nursing program's admission process to demonstrate proficiency. The areas required to complete successfully include the Reading, English Language Usage, Math, and Science. The applicant will be allowed one attempt per admission period and is responsible for the cost of the exam and/or preparation materials.
Application Review Process
1. The Nursing Admissions Committee will review all applications to assure that the application is complete.
2. Applicants who have met the required GPA, and completed all prerequisite courses, as described on the Program Admission Process, will be eligible to take the standardized pre-entrance exam.
3. An LC Palomino ID# is required as well as your LC student email. Applicants will be notified through LC's PASPort email address with instructions about the standardized pre-entrance exam.
4. Once all qualified applicants have taken the standardized pre-entrance exam, applicants will be notified by email regarding their program admission status. A number of applicants who meet the program admissions requirements may not be admitted to the program based on space availability. Acceptance to the program is a competitive ranking process based on points awarded for designated criteria. Meeting all of the criteria does not guarantee anyone admission to the program. Applicants will be ranked based on the following criteria using the highest:
a. Pre-Entrance Standardized Exam Scores, In the beginning of March students are notified (by Pasport email) if they qualified to take the ATI TEAS pre-entrance exam, you must score a minimum overall score of 58% or better on the ATI TEAS to be considered for the selected program.
Testing takes place in the latter part of March and the top 80 students are selected for the program in Fall.
b. GPA of the prerequisite courses, must be completed before applying and students taking pre-requisite courses during the spring semester are not eligible to apply. “D” course grades are not considered a passing grade.
Students that apply must be College Ready in Reading, Writing, and Math to be considered.
Once an applicant applies they are screened to make sure they have completed the pre-requisite courses with a 2.5 GPA or better.
*If the pre-requisite courses were taken at another institution, official transcripts must be submitted to the LC admission office to be added to your LC student records. Once an applicant applies they are screened to make sure they have completed the pre-requisite courses with a 2.5 GPA or better.
*If the pre-requisite courses were taken at another institution, official transcripts must be submitted to the LC admission office to be added to your LC student records. Students are required to have a 2.5 or better GPA in their institutional and overall GPA.
c. if the applicants are ranked equally, they will be further ranked by the highest overall GPA.
Students who are chosen for the program are notified by mid-April and must submit the required paperwork to register for the program in the fall semester. All courses are assigned.
The applicant who is not selected for admission must submit a new application during the next application period and complete all admission requirements as described in the Program Admission Criteria and Application Process.
The student accepted into the Vocational Nursing Program must:
Submit verification of physical examination by a U.S. physician or nurse practitioner.
Submit evidence of negative 10 panel drug screen.
Submit evidence of current American Heart Association BLS Health Care Provider CPR Certification.
Purchase student liability insurance (premium rates applicable to current academic year and paid through tuition and fees).
Purchase nursing uniforms and necessary accessories (rates applicable to current academic year).
Pay additional fees for standardized nursing examinations and computer programs (Cost may vary).
Computer Access & Equipment: Students accepted in the program will be notified by letter on computer compatibility and specs requirements.
Immunization: documentation submitted upon admission to the Nursing Program.
- Two Step TB test* upon entering, and one TB test annually thereafter or Chest X-Ray within 2 years.
- Two Step TB test consists of either of the following:
- Proof of one TB test within the past 6 months and one TB test administered upon entering, or Two Tb tests administered 1 week apart upon entering
- Two (2) Doses or current titer of Measles, Mumps Rubella (MMR) Series must be completed based on the series requirements.
- Students born on or after January 1, 1957, must show acceptable evidence of vaccination of two doses of measles-containing vaccine administered since January 1, 1968
- One dose of Tetanus-Diphtheria and Pertussis (Tdap) required within the last ten years. (approval verification pending)
- Influenza vaccine annually in September for fall admission and January for Spring admission.
- Initiation of Hepatitis B (HBV) vaccine series prior to direct patient contact, but series must be completed based on the series requirements (initial, one month, and four months)
- Serologic confirmation of immunity to the hepatitis B virus is acceptable.
- Two doses of varicella (chickenpox). Also acceptable:
- Laboratory report indicating varicella immunity, or Varicella Titer
- Bacterial Meningitis
Texas State Law Senate Bill 62, requires students who meet the criteria below, to provide proper documentation that they have received the bacterial meningitis vaccination within the last five years and at least 10 calendar days before the beginning of the semester.
- All new or transfer students under age 22.
- All returning students under the age of 22, who have experienced a break in enrollment of a least one fall or spring term.
- Students enrolled in online courses that physically attend classes or come to campus within the semester
- Recommended: Hepatitis A
- Recommended: Due to the pandemic some of the clinical agencies require the COVID-19 vaccine. As a guest in the facility, the programs must adhere to the agency’s requirements. If you chose not to take the vaccine you may not be able to complete your clinical requirements, therefore, you may need to “withdrawal” from the course.
At the discretion of clinical sites, the student or nursing program may be required to provide physical or electronic documentation to clinical sites prior to the start of the clinical experience. Program Directors/Instructors will provide direction regarding submission of documents and time frames.
The following documents may be required for submission by the student and/or faculty to the clinical site:
- A negative criminal background check completed through the Texas Board of Nursing and the local sheriff’s office
- Negative 10-panel drug screen
- Immunization records
- Negative COVID-19 test(s)
Students enrolling into Laredo College programs with external learning experiences (i.e., clinical, practicum, externship, cooperative, etc.) will be required to comply with the immunization requirements and policies of the clinical/external learning sites to engage in all clinical/external learning experiences. Vaccination requirements at clinical/external learning sites are implemented pursuant to the independent authority of such facilities and are not mandated by Laredo College. Failure to meet the immunization requirements mandated by clinical/external learning sites may limit a student's ability to complete the program and/or may delay the student's graduation date. The clinical facilities approve or deny the exemptions.
Legal Information for Prospective Nursing Students
An applicant to the Vocational Nursing Program must be potentially eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for PN (NCLEX-PN). The applicant who has been convicted of a felony, implicated in substance abuse, or involved in activities considered inappropriate by the Texas Board of Nursing (Texas BON) is not eligible to apply or enter the program until he or she has received a declaratory order from the Texas Board of Nursing granting permission to take the NCLEX-PN. Such an applicant should contact the Texas BON for guidance in petitioning the Board for a decision of eligibility prior to applying for entry to the Vocational Nursing Program at Laredo College. The Board's statement of eligibility or any correspondence with the BON must be submitted to the Nursing Programs Director prior to admission into the program. The student is responsible for notifying the Nursing Programs Director should the status in the criminal background check change at any period during enrollment in the program. Refer to the Board's address and phone number listed below.
Student's progress through the nursing programs curriculum according to the Vocational Nursing Program Degree Plan. For progression in the Vocational Nursing Program the student must meet all of the following criteria:
- Abide by the Rules, Regulations, and Procedures outlined in the Vocational Nursing Student Handbook.
- Complete all nursing courses in the required semester sequence as outlined in the Vocational Nursing Program's degree plan with a grade of C = 75% or better and meet all clinical objectives.
- The student must maintain an Institutional and Overall grade point average of 2.5 or greater to progress to the next nursing course.
- Complete all college support courses with a grade of C or better.
- Declared a major with the office of admissions by completing the Declaration of Major Field of Study Form.
- Students will be required to repeat concurrent course(s) if they are unsuccessful in a semester.
A student considering withdrawal from a Nursing Course(s) should refer to the Vocational Nursing Student Handbook and make an appointment with the Course Instructor and the Program Director.
A student requesting continuation in the Vocational Nursing Program must have an institutional and overall grade point average of 2.5 or greater. The request must be in writing and follow the Continuation Procedure outlined in the Vocational Nursing Student Handbook. Documentation of a clear/negative criminal background check must be submitted to complete the continuation process.
The Vocational Nursing Program for lecture, lab, and clinical rotation courses require specific attendance hours in order to be in compliance with the accrediting agencies. Students who do not meet the requirements will not complete the program.
For additional information call: (956) 721-5255 or visit the Vocational Nursing Department in the College of Health Sciences 2nd Floor Room A215
Laredo College
5500 South Zapata Highway
Laredo, Texas 78046
The Vocational Nursing Program is approved by:
Texas Board of Nursing (BON)
1801 Congress Avenue Suite 10-200
Austin, Texas 78701
Phone: (512) 305-7400
NOTE: Information regarding the Vocational Nursing Program is current at the time of publication and is subject to change without notice.
Plan of Study
Prerequisite Courses
Application Deadline: 4thThursday in March
PSYC 2314 | Lifespan Growth & Development CORE | 3 |
MDCA 1409 | Anatomy and Physiology for Medical Assistants | 4 |
| Total Credit Hours: | 7 |
MDCA 1409: Completion of BIOL 2301, BIOL 2101 & BIOL 2302, BIOL 2102 will satisfy this requirement.
Semester 1
VNSG 1323 | Basic Nursing Skills | 3 |
VNSG 1500 | Nursing in Health and Illness I | 5 |
VNSG 1260 | Clinical-Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training (Fundamentals) | 2 |
| Total Credit Hours: | 10 |
Semester 2
VNSG 1230 | Maternal-Neonatal Nursing | 2 |
VNSG 1234 | Pediatrics | 2 |
VNSG 2331 | Advanced Nursing Skills | 3 |
VNSG 1409 | Nursing in Health and Illness II | 4 |
VNSG 1262 | Clinical Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training (Med/Surg; Maternity/Newborn; Pedi) | 2 |
| Total Credit Hours: | 13 |
Semester 3
VNSG 2410 | Nursing in Health and Illness III (Capstone) | 4 |
VNSG 1205 | NCLEX-PN Review (Capstone) | 2 |
VNSG 1263 | Clinical Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training (Adv. M/S, Mental Health) | 2 |
| Total Credit Hours: | 8 |
VNSG 2410, VNSG 1205, VNSG 1263 are Capstone courses taught in the last semester. The learning experiences in these courses results in a consolidation of a student’s educational experience.
Total Credit Hours: 38
Complete Assessment Test requirements for placement and/or satisfy the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements for entry into college level courses.
LC Pre-requisite, Institutional and Overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or greater is required.
Successfully complete Pre-Entrance Standardized Exam of 58% or better.
Students must complete the nursing courses in the required semester sequence as outlined in the Vocational Nursing program curriculum plan.
All nursing courses must be taken concurrently
Approved by Texas Board of Nursing and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.
NOTE: Information regarding the Vocational Nursing Program is current at time of publication and is subject to change without notice.