Graduation Requirements

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

To be awarded the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, students must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Complete the 120 total semester credit hours of the program requirements: Core Curriculum Courses (42 credit hours), Prerequisites (9 credit hours), RN Courses (36 credits hours), and Upper-Level NURS courses (33 credit hours).
  2. TSI college-level ready status
  3. Complete 25% of coursework at Laredo College (Credit received through other means other than actual course instruction will not be counted in percentage.)
  4. Maintain a minimum program GPA of 2.5 or better while in the program
  5. Submit a graduation application to the Office of Registrars.

Bachelor of Applied Science in Organizational Leadership (BASORGL)

To be awarded the Bachelor of Applied Science in Organizational Leadership, students must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Complete the 120 total semester credit hours of the program requirements: Core Curriculum Courses (42 credit hours), Professional Development Courses (48 credit hours), and Upper-Level ORGL courses (30 credit hours)
  2. TSI college-level ready status
  3. Complete 25% of coursework at Laredo College (Credit received through other means other than actual course instruction will not be counted in percentage.)
  4. Maintain a minimum program GPA of 2.5 or better while in the program
  5. Submit a graduation application to the Office of Registrars.

Associate of Arts (AA)

To be awarded the Associate of Arts degree, students must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Complete the appropriate course of study for an Associate of Arts program as listed in the College Catalog. 
  2. TSI college-level ready status
  3. Complete 25% of coursework at Laredo College (Credit received through other means other than actual course instruction will not be counted in percentage.)
  4. Maintain a minimum program GPA of 2.0 
  5. Submit a graduation application to the Office of Registrars.

Associate of Science (AS)

To be awarded the Associate of Science degree, students must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Complete the appropriate course of study for an Associate of Science program as listed in the College Catalog.
  2. TSI college-level ready status
  3. Complete 25% of coursework at Laredo College (Credit received through other means other than actual course instruction will not be counted in percentage.)
  4. Maintain a minimum program GPA of 2.0 
  5. Submit a graduation application to the Office of Registrars.

Associate of Applied Science (AAS)

To be awarded the Associate of Applied Science degree, students must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Complete the appropriate course of study for an Associate of Applied Science program as listed in the College Catalog.
  2. TSI college-level ready status
  3. Complete 25% of coursework at Laredo College (Credit received through other means other than actual course instruction will not be counted in percentage.)
  4. Maintain a minimum program GPA of 2.0 (Some Programs may require a higher minimum GPA)
  5. Submit a graduation application to the Office of Registrars.

Certificate and Occupational Skills Award (CERT) (OSA)

To be awarded the certificate/award, a student must satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Complete the prescribed semester credit hours of coursework
  2. TSI college-level ready status (if applicable)
  3. Complete 25% of coursework at Laredo College (Credit received through other means other than actual course instruction will not be counted in percentage.)
  4. Maintain a minimum program GPA of 2.0
  5. Submit a graduation application to the Office of Registrars

The Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science curriculum suggested in this Catalog satisfies the requirements of most senior institutions. However, it is the student’s responsibility to identify, as early as possible, the institution to which they will transfer. The student should then ascertain the specific requirements of that institution for the freshman and sophomore years. Each student’s curriculum should be planned by the student and an advisor with a specific institution in mind. If Laredo College does not have an articulation agreement with a specific four-year institution, the student should request an agreement in writing from that institution regarding the acceptance of Laredo College's coursework.

Note: No more than twelve semester credit hours earned by correspondence, extension, CLEP, Advanced Placement, Department, or Challenge exams, may be accepted for credit toward any degree or certificate at Laredo College.