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2020-2021 Catalog
Course Descriptions
> CJLE - Criminal Justice (07021)
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Laredo College 2020-2021 Academic Calendar
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Course Descriptions
Course Numbers
Technical Courses
Course Abbreviation
ABDR - Automotive Collision Repair Technology
ACCT - Accounting
ACNT - Applied Accounting (005821)
ARCE - Computer Drafting and Design Technology
ARTS - Visual Arts
AUMT - Automotive Technology
BCIS - Computer Information Systems
BIOM - Computer Electronics
BIOL - Biology
BIOM - Computer Electronics (008824)
BMGT - Management (005426)
BUSG - Management (005426)
BUSI - Business Administration
CDEC - Child Development
Computer Electronics Technology - CETT
CHEM - Chemistry
CJCR - Criminal Justice
CJLE - Criminal Justice (07021)
CJSA - Criminal Justice (07021)
COMM - Communication
COSC - Computer and Information Science
CPMT - Computer Electronics (008824)
CRIJ - Criminal Justice (07021)
CSME - Cosmetology
CVOP - Commercial Vehicle Operation
DANC - Dance
DEMR - Diesel Engine Mechanics and Repair
DFTG - Computer Drafting and Design Technology
Diagnostic Medical Sonography DMSO
DRAM - Drama
ECON - Economics
ECRD - Emergency Medical Services Paramedic
EDUC - Education
EECT - Computer Electronics (008824)
EEIR - Computer Electronics (008824)
ELPT - Electrical Technology (008822)
ELTN - Electrical Technology (008822)
EMSP - Emergency Medical Services Paramedic (008040)
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
EPCT - Environmental Technology
ESOL - English Speakers of Other Languages
FIRT - Fire Protection and Safety Technology
FREN - French
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GISC - Geographical Information Systems
GOVT - Government
HART - Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
HIST - History
HITT - Health Information Technology
Homeland Security
HRPO - Management (005426)
IBUS - International Business
IMED - Web Page, Digital/Multimedia and Information Resources Design
ITCC - Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications
ITNW - Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications
ITSC - Computer and Information Sciences, General
ITSE - Computer Programming/Programmer, General
ITSW - Data Processing Technology
ITSY - Computer Information Systems Security
KINE - Kinesiology
LMGT - Logistics
LOTT - Computer Electronics (008824)
MAIR - Heating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
MATH - Mathematics
MDCA - Medical Assistant (008026)
MRKG - Management (005426)
MUAP - Applied Music Lessons
MUEN - Music and Vocal Ensembles
MUSI - Music
NURS - BSN Courses
OSHT - Occupational Safety and Health Technology
OTHA - Occupational Therapy Assistant (008030)
PHIL - Philosophy and Logic
PHRA - Pharmacy
PHRA - Pharmacy
PHYS - Physics
PLAB - Phlebotomy
PLAB - Phlebotomy
POFI - Business/Office Automaton/Technology Data Entry
PSYC - Psychology
PTHA - Physical Therapist Assistant (008032)
PTRT - Oil and Gas Industry Specialization
RADR - Radiologic Technology (008033)
RBPT - Electrical Technology (008822)
RNSG - Nursing
SGNL - Sign Language
SOCI - Sociology
SOCW - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
SPCH - Speech
SRVY - Computer Drafting and Design Technology
TECA - Child Development
VNSG - Vocational Nursing
WLDG - Welding
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CJLE - Criminal Justice (07021)
CJLE 1329
Basic Peace Officer V
CJLE 1333
Traffic Law and Investigation
CJLE 1427
Interviewing and Report Writing for Criminal Justice Professionals
CJLE 1506
Basic Peace Officer I
CJLE 1512
Basic Peace Officer II
CJLE 1518
Basic Peace Officer III
CJLE 1524
Basic Peace Officer IV
CJLE 2345
Vice and Narcotics Investigation
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Course Descriptions