Laredo College Core Curriculum
Laredo College’s Core Curriculum represents academic foundational areas. The Core Curriculum is required for the transfer of degrees, and Texas law mandates that the completed Core at one institution must transfer and take the place of the core at the receiving institution. According to the Texas Higher Coordinating Board, “Requirements completed at one college or university must be accepted and substituted for those of the institution receiving the transfer student, even if the sending institution’s Core Curriculum is not an exact match for that of the receiving institution.” Therefore, it is strongly encouraged that students complete the Core Curriculum at Laredo College so that it may be transferred as a block of credit. By transferring the LC Core Curriculum to the receiving institution, the student may not be required to take additional core curriculum courses at their receiving institution unless the THECB has approved a larger core for the receiving institution. In addition, the Core is a substantial portion of the requirements for an associate degree.
Students who transfer to their receiving institution without Core completion at Laredo College will receive credit for the Core courses taken at Laredo College; however, they may be required to take additional courses to meet the receiving institution’s core curriculum requirements.
The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board made modifications to the core curriculum requirements. Any student enrolled before the Fall 2014 semester was expected to meet 44 semester credit hours (please see left column listing of courses). This Core Curriculum consisted of components areas: (1) Communication, (2) Mathematics, (3) Natural Sciences, (4) Humanities and Visual & Performing Arts, (5) Social/ Behavioral Sciences, and (6) Institutional Designated Option. Any student entering Laredo College for the first time during or after Fall 2014 is now expected to complete 42 semester credit hours (please see right column listing of courses). This core curriculum consists of foundational component areas: (1) Communication, (2) Mathematics, (3) Life and Physical Sciences, (4) Language, Philosophy, and Culture, (5) Creative Arts, (6) American History, (7) Government/Political Science, (8) Social and Behavioral Science, and (9) Component Area Options. The new core curriculum course emphasizes the core objectives of critical thinking skills, communication skills, empirical and quantitative skills, teamwork, personal responsibility, and social responsibility.
Foundational Component Areas
Communication (6 credit hours)
Mathematics (3 credit hours)
(*Note: Students should seek a student success advisor or transfer institution when selecting mathematics options to satisfy their degree plan.)
Life and Physical Sciences (6 credit hours)
(*Note: Labs are not CORE however student is strongly encouraged to verify if lab component is needed for their degree plan.)
Language, Philosophy, and Culture (3 credit hours)
Creative Arts (3 credit hours)
American History (6 credit hours)
Government/Political Science (6 Hours)
Social/Behavioral Science (3 credit hours)
Component Area Option (6 credit hours)
BCIS 1305 | Business Computer Applications CORE | 3 |
COSC 1301 | Introduction to Computing CORE | 3 |
COSC 1436 | Programming Fundamentals I CORE | 4 |
KINE 1304 | Personal/Community Health CORE | 3 |
SPCH 1311 | Introduction to Speech Communication CORE | 3 |
SPCH 1315 | Public Speaking CORE | 3 |
| Total Credit Hours: | 42 |
Total Credit Hours: 42