FIRT 1338 Fire Protection Systems

Design and operation of fire detection and alarm systems, heat and smoke control systems, special protection and sprinkler systems, water supply for fire protection, and portable fire extinguishers.  This course meets Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) Model Curriculum core requirements.

Semester Hours


Lecture Hours


Lab Hours



MATH 1314, BIOL 2301, BIOL 2101, FIRS 1301, FIRS 1407, FIRS 1313, FIRS 1319, FIRS 1323

End-of-Course Outcomes

Identify fire detection and alarm systems, heat and smoke control systems, special protection and sprinkler systems, water supply for fire protection, and portable fire extinguishers; identify the applications of fire detection, alarm, and extinguishing systems; and explain the operation of fire detection, alarm and extinguishing systems.