Scholastic Dishonesty
The college expects all online students to engage in all academic pursuits in a manner that is beyond reproach. Students will be expected to maintain complete honesty and integrity in their online experiences. Any student found guilty of dishonesty in academic work is subject to disciplinary action. The Academic Dishonesty link provides additional information on "scholastic dishonesty," including but not limited to, cheating on academic work, plagiarism and collusion.
“Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)" software is a rapidly emerging tool that students may be interested in using. If doing so, Laredo College students are expected to adhere to the same standards as the Scholastic Dishonesty statement on plagiarism. Presenting generative AI software content as your own is a violation of academic integrity. If you use generative AI in your work, you must indicate that you have done so. Intellectual honesty is vital to an academic community and for a fair evaluation of your work. All work submitted in a course must be your own. If you are using outside resources to complete your work, it is important that you cite your work accordingly. Please note that faculty still have the option to limit your use of generative AI. To ensure you stay within the academic integrity of your course, please talk to your instructor. For additional information on generative AI, please visit the Library AI informational website.