Campus Carry

Laredo College is committed to providing a safe environment for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors. While Texas Senate Bill 11 allows licensed individuals to carry concealed handguns in certain areas on campus, Laredo College restricts the possession of firearms and other weapons to the fullest extent allowed by law. Generally, firearms are not permitted on campus except in designated areas where concealed carry is allowed for license holders.

License holders are responsible for maintaining full control of their concealed handguns at all times and must comply with all applicable state and federal laws. It is important to note that Texas law strictly prohibits open carry of handguns or any other prohibited weapons on college campuses. Open carry, as well as carrying a handgun without a license, is not permitted on any Laredo College campus.

“No Carry” Zones

A license holder is prohibited from carrying a concealed handgun on the following premises:

1. All day care facilities located at Laredo College;

2. All outdoor sports complexes and fields located at both the Fort McIntosh and South Campuses;

3. Maravillo Gym located at the Fort McIntosh Campus;

4. Special services center offices located at Fort McIntosh and the South Campuses;

5. International Boundary & Water Commission (P-27) located on the Fort McIntosh Campus;

6. Areas in which formal hearings are being conducted, including:

  • Rooms 101, 102, and the Samuel A. Meyer Board Room located in the Elpha Lee West Administrative Building at the Fort McIntosh Campus;
  • The Dean’s Conference Room, located in room 215 of the Billy Hall Student Center.

These designated “No-Carry” zones are intended to protect and prioritize the safety of all campus community members. Any updates or changes to these zones will be communicated through official college channels.

Policy Violations

Laredo College will enforce strict compliance with its concealed carry and weapons policy. Any individual found in violation of these rules—such as carrying a handgun in exclusion zones or engaging in reckless handling of a firearm—may face disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion for students, termination for employees, or possible legal consequences.

For questions or additional information, please contact the Laredo College Police Department or refer to the college’s official website at